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SPRINGBOARD: Assembly for creative climate action is a long-term collaborative project, led by Culture for Climate Scotland, to bring about transformational change in Scotland’s creative sector that will help build a net-zero, climate-ready world.


Collaborative and collective action is required to address climate change and especially to achieve transformational change in society: actions by single organisations or individuals are not enough to address the complex and systemic challenges we face. The creative sector can help.

Culture for Climate Scotland has been working to harness the power of the arts and culture for climate action for over a decade.

Our Green Arts Initiative is a community of practice comprising more than 450 cultural organisations around Scotland working to reduce their climate impact.

We created Climate Beacons, innovative partnerships of cultural, climate change and civic society actors to build deep-rooted, sustained public engagement with climate change, operating in regional hubs across the country.

We’ve brought together Scotland’s leading cultural players (museums, galleries, libraries, heritage organisations, development agencies and performing arts companies) to work in an informal but active Scottish National Culture for Climate group looking at the big picture of sectoral collaboration.

We brought these efforts together and took them to the next level with SPRINGBOARD.

The project has two parts:

  1. A national SPRINGBOARD assembly, the first of which we held in 2023 and the next is coming up on 5 and 6 March 2025.
  2. Our ongoing programme of SPRINGBOARD local assemblies.

We envisage SPRINGBOARD as an evolving project, changing to meet and absorb the needs of the sector, and society, as we get closer to the net-zero target.

SPRINGBOARD will enable creative and cultural organisations and practitioners to respond to Creative Scotland’s Climate Emergency & Sustainability Plan and help climate change organisations work with creative partners.

SPRINGBOARD assembly for creative climate action

The first national assembly took place online from 27 February – 2 March 2023.

At the 2023 online assembly, nationwide cohorts, each focusing on a specific creative practice or field of interest, worked on relevant systemic challenges. The cohorts brought in upstream and downstream partners such as funders, transport providers, audiences, local authorities and sustainability engineers to work alongside the creative organisations.

In 2025, our second national assembly will bring together all of the different groups that we work with and consider how they can work on transformational change, for their own organisations or themselves as individual creative practitioners, or contribute to other organisations’ change as we all meet the challenge of the climate emergency.

SPRINGBOARD local assemblies for creative climate action

Local assemblies build networks of people and organisations working on culture and climate change from the same region so they can learn together, share knowledge and information, and collaborate.

The first local assemblies took place across Scotland in November 2022 and since then the programme has continued and developed. Co-hosted in person by leading cultural organisations, each local assembly is designed for its specific location.

All events are accessible and are open to anyone interested in how culture and climate can work together, whether from organisations or as individuals working or volunteering in the arts, creative and screen industries, heritage, museums and libraries, and climate change/sustainability.