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Climate Beacons

Climate Beacons was a Scotland-wide collaborative project between climate change or environmental organisations and arts, heritage or cultural organisations to stimulate long-term public engagement in the lead-up to and following COP26.

‘It’s fantastic to have the Climate Beacons in Scotland as it is vital that we bring together environmental and cultural organisations to underline the important role that the culture sector has to play in tackling the climate emergency.’

Neil Gray, Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development.

About Climate Beacons

Seven hubs known as ‘Climate Beacons’ were established in these regions:

Bringing together shared resources and knowledge from cultural and climate organisations, the Climate Beacons provided a welcoming physical and virtual space for the public, artists and cultural sector professionals, environmental NGOs, scientists and policymakers to engage with environmental themes and climate action specific to each local area.

The project was led by Culture for Climate Scotland (previously Creative Carbon Scotland), connecting the seven Beacons and offering support throughout, alongside six co-ordinating partners, Architecture & Design Scotland, Creative Scotland, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute, Museums Galleries Scotland, Scottish Library and Information Council, and Sustainable Scotland Network.

Climate Beacons initially ran from June 2021 to July 2022, leading up to and following on from the COP26 climate talks held in Glasgow in November 2021 with funding from the Scottish Government’s Climate Change and Culture Divisions, Creative Scotland, and Museums Galleries Scotland. Work from all the Climate Beacons continued into 2024.

Read the Climate Beacons evaluation report.

Why Climate Beacons?

We developed this project following research into previous arts and culture engagements with COPs and the emerging landscape around COP26 to fill perceived gaps and avoid repeating work that others are planning.

Our research demonstrated a need for:

  • More effective collaboration between the culture and climate sectors, involving working closely together for substantial periods, learning from each other and co-producing work.
  • A wider spread of engagement work, reaching audiences beyond Glasgow and holding work before, and especially after, COP26 to avoid an ‘overload’ of work in one place and a lack elsewhere.
  • An emphasis on legacy, seeking to develop deep-rooted, longer-term connections, changes to practice and community interest.

The project sought to fulfil this need by creating partnerships between cultural and climate organisations focusing on different parts of Scotland over an extended period. We took a ‘hands off’ approach to these partnerships, providing support but trusting in the Beacons’ own expertise and allowing freedom to plan the kinds of activity that the partners deemed to be most effective. We promoted the work of the Beacons, documented activity and carried out detailed evaluation to help support similar projects in the future.


This partnership between Cove Park and ACT focused on Scotland’s rainforest. Most of this unique, temperate habitat sits within Argyll, and the Beacon raised awareness of the importance of biodiversity in effective and inclusive conservation and regeneration.

‘We are thrilled to work with ACT and CCS on this urgent project that pivots around cultural and activist organisations joining forces to tackle climate change. We look forward to co-learning new strategies and methodologies for raising awareness and driving long-lasting behavioural change to help protect and regenerate our rainforests.’

Francesca Bertolotti-Bailey, Cove Park CEO

Caithness & East Sutherland

A collaboration between Timespan, Lyth Arts Centre and the University of the Highlands and Islands Environmental Research Institute, among others, the Caithness and East Sutherland Beacon focused on climate colonialism, land justice and redistribution as well as the crucial role of the area for peatland restoration under the heading ‘The land for those that work work it’.

‘As a collective, we are absolutely delighted to have been selected as one of the seven Climate Beacons for COP26. Caithness and Sutherland offer a truly unique location to host a Beacon, offering a transformational opportunity for our communities to truly have their voices heard in national and international climate conversations.’

Charlotte Mountford, Co-Director, Lyth Arts Centre


The Leven Programme, ONFife and Levenmouth Academy came together with others to channel the arts and build on climate action in the area. The Fife Beacon was eager to share stories of the proud industrial heritage of the area and show the world how we can transform to a resilient low carbon community of the future.

‘Climate change requires immediate action if we are to adapt and live with its effects. We are so excited to use our collaboration to bring science and the arts together to develop the story of change from a carbon intensive past to a low carbon resilient community of the future.’ Pauline Silverman, SEPA Senior Manager Partnerships and Places and The Leven Programme Manager

‘We want to show how rewilding unused campus areas gives a home for nature, a space for outdoor learning and improved health for our communities! We are connecting with other schools around the world to think about what else we should be doing about the climate emergency.’

Duncan Zuill teacher & EIS representative, Levenmouth Academy

Find out more about the Levenmouth Scruffy Spots campaign.


Formed of a partnership between Beacon Arts Centre, Belville Community Garden Trust, RIG Arts and Inverclyde Libraries, among others, the Inverclyde Beacon focused on the roles of climate change mitigation and adaption as part of Scotland’s most economically deprived area’s recovery from COVID-19.

‘We are thrilled to be working in partnership with a wide range of cultural and environmental organisations throughout Inverclyde and across Scotland to deliver an inclusive and exciting programme of activities on climate change as Inverclyde’s Climate Beacon – centred around education, awareness and participation – together with our communities.’

Pauline Kane, Director, Beacon Arts Centre

Read about climate change-themed Chatty Cafés at Inverclyde Libraries

Watch a video of the musical performance held during COP26 as part of Galoshans festival


A collaboration between the National Mining Museum Scotland and British Geological Survey, the Midlothian Beacon created a transformative journey following the carbon cycle, from Scotland’s past legacy of fossil fuels towards a future of decarbonisation, connecting local and international cultures through art and science.

‘National Mining Museum Scotland is thrilled to be part of a Scotland-wide collaboration that highlights the need to learn from our industrial past. The experience of utilising fossil fuels should contribute to our ongoing venture to look at new solutions, address the impact of climate change, and play an active role in shaping climate action in the future.’

Mhairi Cross, CEO of National Mining Museum Scotland

Read about the Weathering Earth participatory art project.

Read a post by Victoria Brown, Education Manager at National Mining Museum Scotland, about the 2021 Midlothian Climate Beacon project on the National Galleries of Scotland website.

Outer Hebrides (Làn Thìde)

Operating under the name Làn Thìde, this was a partnership between An Lanntair arts centre, Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Arts Centre, Ceòlas, Community Energy Scotland, Western Isles Libraries, TSI Western Isles, NatureScot, Adaptation Scotland and the wider Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership Climate Change Working Group. The Beacon focused on how the islands can adapt to the worsening impacts of climate change while celebrating their unique natural and cultural heritage.

‘We are thrilled to become a Climate Beacon for COP26! What an incredible opportunity we have to work together here in the Outer Hebrides to engage people and explore climate impacts, whilst celebrating the islands’ unique natural and cultural heritage. We have lots of exciting plans in the lead up to COP26 this year and beyond, and we can’t wait to get going and to share and connect nationally with the whole Beacons network.’

Elly Fletcher, Chief Executive, AnLanntair

Listen to Tuil is Geil, a new piece of music created using climate projections for the Outer Hebrides.

Experience the Lews Castle Grounds Green Trail.


A partnership between Dundee Rep and Scottish Dance Theatre, The James Hutton Institute, V&A Dundee, Dundee Museum of Transport and other partners in Dundee, Perthshire, Angus and Aberdeen, the Tayside Beacon used design-led thinking to explore a range of issues across the Tayside bioregion encompassing urban and rural areas as a microcosm of Scotland.

‘We are delighted to be selected as a Climate Beacon as it will allow our partnership of Tayside organisations to create a 12-month pilot utilising design-led innovation and methodologies with a wide range of audiences to explore and co-produce ways to imagine and deliver a better, more sustainable future.’

Liam Sinclair, Executive Director & Joint CEO, Dundee Rep and Scottish Dance Theatre

Read about The Awakening installation at Cateran Ecomuseum.

Read about the Safe Harbour: Open Sea project.

The project was part of our culture/SHIFT programme, which promotes how the arts and culture can transform society in response to climate change.