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Matthew Belsey

Environmental Reporting and Data Manager

Contact Matthew with queries relating to environmental reporting, measuring emissions and our carbon calculation tools.

Working days: Monday to Friday.

More about Matthew

Matthew leads on developing and delivering best practice guidance, tools and resources for our Green Arts programme. He supports cultural organisations to understand and manage their greenhouse gas emissions and overseeing environmental reporting. He also leads on data analytics and management to ensure our effective use of data.

Prior to CCS, he had a range of roles within the environmental sector, including supporting companies and city authorities through environmental disclosure, data product testing and data analytics.

Romane Boyer

Senior Green Arts Officer

Contact Romane with queries relating to the Green Arts Initiative, Inspiration Point and the Green Arts Charter.

Working days: Monday to Friday.

More about Romane

In her role at Culture for Climate Scotland, Romane co-leads our Green Arts Initiative, facilitating a community of cultural organisations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change and use their power to influence wider society. From 2020 to 2024, she supported the Edinburgh Festivals in their ambitious strategy to achieve net zero.

Romane has experience of initiating and managing diverse projects in international contexts and co-ordinating cross-cultural teamwork. She holds an MSc in environmental sustainability.

Lewis Coenen-Rowe

culture/SHIFT Manager 

Contact Lewis for queries relating to ongoing culture/SHIFT projects, advice on arts into climate collaborations and proposals to partner with us on new projects.

Working days: Monday to Thursday.

More about Lewis

Lewis’s role involves leading our culture/SHIFT programming and running culture/SHIFT projects such as Creative Climate Futures, Transforming Audience Travel Though Art and Climate Beacons to name a few. He supports and advises artistic and sustainability practitioners, develops collaborative projects between the arts and environmental sectors, and undertakes research into relevant topics affecting our strategy and activities. He also leads on our climate justice work.

Outside his role with Culture for Climate Scotland, Lewis is an environmental campaigner with voluntary groups in London and Glasgow.

KD (Katherine Denney)

Communications Manager 

Contact KD with queries about PR/media, marketing communications and strategy, and our website.

Working days: Monday to Friday.

More about KD

As Communications Manager, KD steers our communications and PR strategy and is key to ensuring that we are communicating our aims and activities as effectively as possible. She is our brand champion, leading on our identity and style guidelines, ensuring consistency, sustainability and a high level of accessibility across all media. She also ensures that we have the most appropriate tools for our internal and external communications.

KD’s previous roles have encompassed the charity sector, construction, the NHS, corporate consultancy and the arts.

Jo King

Senior Operations Manager

Contact Jo with queries relating to finance, HR, IT and operations.

Working days: Monday to Thursday.

More about Jo

Jo supports Culture for Climate Scotland’s growth and development, overseeing our administration, finance, HR and infrastructure, and ensuring a strong foundation from which our staff can deliver high-quality creative activity.

Jo has 25+ years’ experience in the arts, working with a wide variety of organisations across the cultural sector. This ranges from venues – working directly with artists and audiences, to stage management and producing roles, to education and creative community engagement, and to providing support and advocacy to the sector.

Dominika Kupcova

Communications Officer

Contact Dominika for queries relating to Culture for Climate Scotland’s social media, website, newsletter or any other communications.

Working days: Monday to Friday.

More about Dominika

Dominika manages Culture for Climate’s social media platforms, creating graphics and videos and writing content to support all our events, projects and work programmes. She leads on social media analytics and supports the Communications Manager in planning and delivering our communications and public relations strategy.

Dominika managed a creative business for five years before turning her strong interest in creative storytelling to a career in communications and marketing and gaining a qualification in copywriting from the College of Media and Publishing.

Sarah O’Hare

Senior Green Arts Officer

Contact Sarah with queries relating to SPRINGBOARD local assemblies, Green Arts Initiative, Starting Point and training.

Working days: Monday to Friday.

More about Sarah

Sarah is responsible for developing and delivering the ‘SPRINGBOARD local assemblies for creative climate action’ as well as co-leading the Green Arts Initiative. She has a particular focus on training and events for members.

Prior to Culture for Climate Scotland, Sarah worked in co-design and youth engagement, working on projects such as Scotland’s Young People’s Forest, the first forest in Scotland co-designed by young people. She has undertaken training with the Service Design Academy and the 2050 Climate Group Young Leaders Development Programme.

Caro Overy

Green Arts Manager

Contact Caro with enquiries relating to climate into arts collborations, training, talks and presentations.

Working days: Tuesday to Thursday.

More about Caro

Caro leads the Green Arts team, which is responsible for our arts into climate programme of work, supporting cultural organisations, artists and makers with practical ways to address the climate crisis. She is responsible for the team’s strategic approach as well as delivering training workshops and presentations in Scotland and beyond.

She has an interdisciplinary background, including seven years’ experience in higher education sustainability, working with staff and students to develop and deliver programmes and projects for a socially responsible and sustainable university.

Jackie Purves

Administration Officer

Contact Jackie with queries relating to administration, finance, procurement and general enquiries.

Working days: Monday to Thursday until 2pm.

More about Jackie

Jackie delivers Culture for Climate’s routine administrative requirements, including systems, meetings and finances. She supports the wider team in their work and contributes to team initiatives and discussions.

A longstanding environmental and human rights campaigner, latterly with Service Civil International (SCI) in numerous positions including as international president. Her career extends across administrative, co-ordinator and executive roles, and includes business and language training, and the promotion of non-formal education through global volunteering projects and seminars.

Ben Twist


Contact Ben with queries relating to consultancy, strategic work, teaching, talks and presentations, collaborations and projects.

Working days: Monday to Friday.

More about Ben

Ben has been director of this organisation since 2011 (when it was Creative Carbon Scotland). His experience combines 25 years of producing events and running cultural venues with an MSc in carbon management and a doctorate in applying complexity theory to social systems to bring about more sustainable social practices.

He has developed CCS into a leader in carbon management support and climate change adaptation for cultural organisations, and in developing culture’s influencing role in addressing climate change. He is a regular speaker at UK and international events.

Eleanor White

Senior culture/SHIFT Officer

Contact Eleanor with queries relating to the Green Tease events programme, Find a collaborator database, and the Library of Creative Sustainability.

Working days: Monday to Friday.

More about Eleanor

In her role, Eleanor supports culture-climate collaborations by organising Green Tease events, co-ordinating local assemblies and creating resources in the Library of Creative Sustainability.

She is a digital storyteller and has produced mass-participatory audio installations, sound walks and public radio. She has worked in the libraries sector leading projects to embed climate action in Scotland’s public libraries. In 2022, she completed Julie’s Bicycle’s Creative Climate Leadership programme. Eleanor also serves on the board for Push the Boat Out, Scotland’s international poetry festival.

Alexis Woolley

Strategy Manager

Contact Alexis with queries relating to strategy, connections with external policies, SPRINGBOARD national assemblies and large-scale collaborative initiatives.

Working days: Tuesday to Thursday.

More about Alexis

Alexis works closely with the Director to scope Culture for Climate Scotland’s strategic path and develop delivery plans that are aligned with relevant external policy frameworks. She also contributes to our funding applications and consultation responses. A lifelong involvement in music-making informs her work.

Before Culture for Climate Scotland, Alexis worked for more than 25 years in public sector policy and strategy ranging from the European Union to sustainable development.