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Core funders

Creative Scotland

Culture for Climate Scotland is supported through regular funding from Creative Scotland.

City of Edinburgh Council

Within the City of Edinburgh Council, we work with both the Culture Service and the Chief Executive’s Strategy and Insight team.

William Grant Foundation

From April 2023 until March 2025, the William Grant Foundation is assisting our strategy work, which aims to help to bring about more understanding of the potential of culture in helping society move to a sustainable future, and action towards this.

Founding partners

Culture for Climate Scotland was co-founded in 2011 with support from three founding partners, each of which provided consistent support over the years and were represented on our board of trustee. We are now independent, but maintain strong relationships with these organisations.

Festivals Edinburgh

Festivals Edinburgh is a strategic umbrella organisation focused on over-arching areas of mutual interest. Its sole focus is to maintain the festivals’ and the Festival City’s global competitive edge, via major collaborative projects and strategic initiatives which support growth, product development, leadership and audiences. Our work is dependent not only on the core Festivals Edinburgh team but on a strong commitment to collaborative working and on a sense of shared ambition and responsibility across all 12 member festivals. The Festivals Edinburgh Board is made up of the 12 festival CEOs or directors, and each Festivals Edinburgh workstrand is directed and supported by collaborative working groups comprising of staff members from the festivals themselves.

Federation of Scottish Theatre

Federation of Scottish Theatre is the membership and development body for professional dance, opera and theatre in Scotland, bringing the sector together to speak with a collective voice, to share resources and expertise and to promote collaborative working.

Federation of Scottish Theatre represents a network of over 200 professionals performing arts organisations and practitioners across Scotland, ranging from individual artists and producers, small scale companies, through to large venues and National Performing Companies.

Scottish Contemporary Art Network

Scottish Contemporary Art Network is a member-led network committed to championing and supporting the contemporary art sector in Scotland. SCAN delivers a programme of advocacy, information sharing and networking, professional development and research activities with and on behalf of its members.