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Case studies

Climate into arts case studies

Our detailed and informative collection of ‘climate into arts’ case studies is designed to inspire arts and culture organisations on their journey to environmental sustainability. They look at the story behind changes to approaches, practices buildings as well as advocacy and using influence to encourage others.

If your cultural organisation would like to feature in one of our case studies, please get in touch with our Green Arts Manager, Caro Overy.

Library of Creative Sustainability

Our ‘arts into climate’ case studies are known collectively as the Library of Creative Sustainability. They demonstrate the benefits of collaborating with artists to achieve environmental sustainability outcomes.

Each one features a successful past project and provides a practical resource to inform sustainability organisations and campaigns on how to work with ‘embedded artists’ over extended periods. They include technical terminology, detailed information on partners and stakeholders, sustainability outcomes and funding, as well as tips and links to further resources.

If you would like to suggest other content to include in the library, please get in touch with our culture/SHIFT Officer, Eleanor White.

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