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Section 11 – Adaptation

To be socially, environmentally, and financially resilient to a warmer, wetter, and wilder climate, culture must adapt. This section of the survey is all about assessing and adapting to the impacts of the changing climate rather than emissions reductions to combat climate change.

If you wish to see the guidance for a specific question, please use the question list below.

11.1. What are the main risks from the changing climate to your organisation’s work?

Please describe any risks that your organisation is already facing or that you predict it will face in the future as a result of Scotland’s changing climate.

See our supporting resources at the end of this section for ideas and guidance.

Reason for question

Understanding the impacts of a changing climate on your organisation is often the best way to begin thinking about adapting.

This question allows you to do just that. It will also give us a wider understanding of the perceived risks the sector is facing.

Supporting resources

Adaptation Scotland’s impacts of climate change for Scotland
Local climate adaptation tool
Cultural adaptations toolkit

11.2. What are the main opportunities from the changing climate to your organisation’s work?

Please describe any opportunities that your organisation is already facing or that you predict it will face in the future as a result of Scotland’s changing climate.

See our supporting resources at the end of this section for ideas and guidance.

You might not be able to think of any direct opportunities from the climate changing. But what about the opportunity of creating better local connections as you approach your work with a climate justice lens or the opportunity to engage with new audiences as you bring climate change into your programming?

As we adapt to the changing climate, we have the opportunity to create a better world for people and planet.

Reason for question

Understanding the opportunities of a changing climate on your organisation is often the best way to begin thinking about adapting.

This question allows you to do just that. It will also give us a wider understanding of the perceived changes the sector is facing.

Supporting resources

Adaptation Scotland’s impacts of climate change for Scotland
Local climate adaptation tool
Cultural adaptations toolkit

11.3. Does your organisation have a climate adaptation plan?

Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as appropriate.

This is a mandatory question for all organisations that it is shown to.

If you select ‘Yes’ in this question, you will be shown 11.4, 11.5, and 11.6.

Reason for question

We are interested to know whether organisations have an adaptation plan so that we can continue to provide the appropriate guidance on adaptation.

Having an adaptation plan acknowledges that the climate is already changing and that the pace of climate change will create new challenges and opportunities for cultural organisations.

11.4. Please summarise your adaptation plan.

Provide your detailed description in the text box provided.

Please include all information that you think is relevant so that we can fully assess your plan and can provide relevant feedback.

Minimum expected response

Best practice response

A well thought-through action that will allow the organisation to adapt to the changing climate. A detailed plan with actions targeting all areas of the organisation’s operations. It might even contain actions that support audiences or other organisations to understand adaptation. The plan is broken down into yearly actions in 11.6.

You will see this question if you select ‘Yes’ in 11.3.

Reason for question

To be socially, environmentally, and financially resilient to a warmer, wetter and wilder climate, culture must adapt.

We want to understand the actions that your organisation is planning to implement to adapt so we can provide support and feedback to help you deliver them.

Supporting resources

Local climate adaptation tool
Cultural adaptations toolkit

11.5. What provisions will be made to ensure these actions or projects not only make your organisation more resilient to the changing climate, but do so in a way that ensures fairness and equality?

Climate justice is a term that describes how we must respond to the fact that the impacts of and responsibility for climate change are highly unequal. Those who are worst affected by climate change are the poorer and more disadvantaged. These are generally those who have contributed least to the greenhouse gas emissions that cause it. In Scotland this often includes working class people, disabled people, ethnic minorities and others.

Here, we are looking for an understanding of climate justice issues and how your adaptations will aim to combat this.

Please write your answer in the text box provided.

Please add as much detail as you can.

You will see this question if you select ‘Yes’ in 11.3.

Reason for question

Culture for Climate Scotland believes that climate justice is a fundamental part of the transformation required as we head towards a fully climate-ready society. Therefore, we are looking to ensure that it is embedded in all actions that are delivered.

Supporting resources

Culture for Climate Scotland’s guide to climate justice for cultural organisations [ADD LINK]
Culture for Climate Scotland’s guide to climate justice for artists and collaborators [ADD LINK]

11.6. Please describe the actions you will take as part of your adaptation plan each year for the next three years.

Take your organisation’s actions from 11.4 and split them up, writing, in detail, what your organisation plans to do each year from now until 2026/27. This isn’t binding but you should aim to follow through with these actions each year.

You will see this question if you select ‘Yes’ in 11.3.

Reason for question

Breaking down large actions into smaller year-on-year actions/tasks makes them more achievable. It is also easier for you to hold yourself accountable across a shorter time frame.

This also gives us a better understanding of your delivery plan in order to offer more tailored support and feedback.

We ask for information from 2024/25, 2025/26 and 2026/27 because we want to focus on actions being done now and in the immediate future.

A long-term plan is also useful, but we won’t be asking for its details here.

If you have any questions about this section, please email: [email protected].