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Claim expenses

Claim expenses is a web-based tool designed to make expenses claims easier for everyone and capture the details you need to reduce the cost and carbon impact of your business travel.

The claim expenses tool:

  • Is easy to use.
  • Encourages staff and freelancers to generate expenses claims.
  • Automatically calculates and collates the carbon emissions related to travel.
  • Sends the data to whoever needs it centrally.
  • Provides reports to the individuals as a way of influencing travel decisions.

Register for claim expenses

If you are an arts organisation based in Scotland we can provide you with a subsidised account for this easy to use tool. To request your account simply register on the claim expenses website.

The £40 (+VAT) fee for cultural organisations is a 60% reduction on the fee for non-arts organisations. The fee, introduced in 2018, does not cover the full costs of the tool, which Culture for Climate Scotland continues to subsidise, but goes towards maintaining and improving the tool. For instance, integrating with Google Maps and, in 2024, a completely revised claim form that enables users to:

  • Upload copies of receipts to be stored securely with your claim.
  • Save partial draft entries and fill in the details later.
  • Use the editor in your mobile browser to claim expenses on the go.
  • Use saved vehicles for fuel and mileage claims so you don’t have to keep entering the details.
  • Copy items within a claim allowing you to add repeats of the same expense.
  • Automatically save changes in real time.
  • Navigate through the claim form using just your keyboard.

There is no comparable tool out there – certainly not as good value for money. The tool saves a considerable amount of time for arts organisations preparing carbon management plans and carbon emissions reports.

Developing the claim expenses tool

Culture for Climate Scotland (as Creative Carbon Scotland) worked with inGenerator with support from AmbITion Scotland to develop the claim expenses web-based tool.