We've changed! Creative Carbon Scotland has a new name and brand
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Add your event

Culture for Climate Scotland is committed to being a resource for both the arts & cultural and climate & sustainability communities as we tackle the climate emergency and works towards a sustainable future together. We invite you to submit relevant events happening across Scotland and beyond.

You are also welcome to submit your news and opportunities.

Please note that all submissions are moderated before they are published.

We request that images are limited to 1500 x 1000 pixels and no more than 200kb in size.

Please include the full address if this is an in-person event.
Start date(Required)
End date(Required)
Start time(Required)
End time(Required)
Image (1500x1000px)(Required)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
If your organisation name is your name, please repeat it here.
Please confirm that you hold the copyright for or have permission for Culture for Climate Scotland to use the image you have submitted.(Required)
Please note that selecting 'No' may mean that we cannot publish your event.